FAQ (Трансплантация волос) Meditravelist

FAQ (Трансплантация волос)

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After hair transplantation, transplanted hair is expected to be shed after a few weeks which are a normal situation and there is no need to worry.

After about 4-6 months, there will be no changes until the hair starts to regrow.

New hair growth is usually slow and varies from patient to patient. Generally the changes will become visible after 6-10 months of operation and the thickness of the hair will increase month after month.

The best results (natural, permanent and wonderful looking hair) can only be seen after 12 months.

The FUE technique does not create any scars because follicular units are removed one by one and they are placed in individually opened channels; only redness and slight scabs may be seen.

However, it is generally expected that a scar forms in the donor area due to suture.

The procedure takes between 7 and 12 hours depending on the number of grafts to be removed and transmitted.

The donor area will heal in about 7 to 8 days, without scars.

It should not be cut until it reaches 1-2 cm. When the hair is long enough, it should not be cut    too short.